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A Hidden Benefit of a Quick Installation

We sketched over this image to show how we build a minimally invasive  connector right off of a home.We sketched over this image to show how we build a minimally invasive connector right off of a home.

A Quick Install Keeps Your Home Safe!

When Wheel Pad arrives at your property, the installation can be done in seven days. The seamless process includes making sure all permits are squared away, the contractors have been vetted, installation contracts completed, and delivery scheduled.  “A seamless install process has a number of benefits for our customers and their families,” said Julie Lineberger, co-founder and President of Wheel Pad L3C. “Not having to live in a construction site, nor manage contractors, allows for less interruption of family life.”

is asbestos in your house dangerous

This close-up of Canadian chrysotile shows the fibrous composition of the mineral and how easily the fibers can become airborne (Photo courtesy of The Mesothelioma Center).

But did you know it’s also safer? Building codes change over time to keep homeowners protected from outdated construction materials, especially those that include asbestos, a toxic chemical that can cause Mesothelioma. Recently Andrew Robineau, Outreach Coordinator for The Mesothelioma Center, connected with us to learn more about Wheel Pad. “I was impressed with their mission and product. It’s my job to make sure companies like Wheel Pad know about the dangers of asbestos,” Robineau said. “My personal goal is to educate at least one person per day about mesothelioma.”

Unfortunately asbestos wasn’t discovered to be harmful until it had been used in millions of homes across the US. “If you are undergoing any renovation project in a home built before 1980, you want to be sure your contractor is certified to protect you against any exposure to asbestos,” Robineau explained. When Wheel Pad is installed, the local construction crew used is fully informed regarding the dangers of asbestos. 

“What’s a surefire way not to expose yourself?” Robineau answered himself: “Don’t disturb the material.”

“Non-invasive installation is our goal at Wheel Pad,” continued Lineberger. The unit connects to the host home using an existing exterior door. Plumbing and electric connections are also designed to cause minimal disturbance to the shell of a home. “We know Wheel Pad is a quicker solution than renovation using our planned installation techniques. We are happy to learn that it’s safer, as well!”

“Before undergoing any renovation project be sure to educate yourself about the dangers of Asbestos.” Robineau cautioned. “We’ve put together a helpful guide on The Mesothelioma Center’s website.”